As above so below. As within so without.
Path of the Soul
This is not a dry monologue where I talk about your Birthchart, but a soulful conversation about you and your life through the lens of therapeutic evolutionary Astrology™. We look beyond the personality and into the ways of the soul. Beyond the HOW we see the WHY.
This brings key insights into the dynamics of past incarnations and the lessons your soul chose to experience in this one, which guides you to a deeper understanding of your current living conditions, yourself and your true potential and thus can inspire you to make more informed life decisions,
A session is 90 minutes long and takes place via FaceTime or Zoom, The Reading is also informed by me having a look at your Human Design Chart & Gene Keys.
Transit & Follow Up Reading
This Reading is for you if we have had a session before and you would like to go even deeper into specific parts in your chart and/ or reflect on current themes in your life through the lens of the journey the planets take through your natal chart.
The Basics
Get started on your Human Design experiment.
You have been designed the way you are for a reason. In my experience, HD can steer you (back) into the driver seat of your life like no other system. It is here to empower you in your very own way of operating and expressing your unique Being. All you need is curiosity and a willingness to experiment.
In this session, we get into the basics of your Human Design Chart:
Aura - Type, Authority, Strategy, open / defined Centers, Channels, Definition, Profile.
All rooted in source material, by Ra Uru Hu.
How Astrology and Human Design found me
How it all started…is kind of a funny story.
I was born into a half greek animist family, so my love for Mythology and the Archetypes is in my blood. Coming from a deep understanding of the latter, I always believed Astrology to be complete and utter bullshit. Yeah, you read that correctly. Growing up in the 90s I personally had no real resources and the “Star Sign Horoscope” that were all over the magazines never resonated with me. But that was supposed to change.
In my mid twenties, I met a man, and a few months into us dating he sent me a little pdf. The pdf was supposed to be an operation manual for me on him, and in it were about 20 pages filled with texts he found about his Sun and Ascendant Sign. My disappointment in the shallowness of its content animated me to prove how deep it actually could be (Aries rising here, hello!), and that was the starting point to me diving deeply into the never ending studies of the Art of Astrology.
The first years I learned as an autodidact - studying my birth chart, experiencing and reading transits, adding others peoples charts, reading tons and tons of books. Six years onto this path, I finally found a school of Astrology I resonated with- Evolutionary Astrology. I found teachers like Mark Jones, J.W.Green, Sol Jonassen, and many more, and started learning from them. In 2019 I joined “The School of therapeutic evolutionary Astrology” by Astrologer, Therapist and Past Life Regressionist Michael DeBaker, where I still study today.
Somewhere along the way I bumped into Human Design, and the Gene Keys, and to be completely honest, I am not sure I would have believed in it if I hadn’t already been on the path of de-conditioning for quite a bit. But as the 1/3 Manifesting Generator LRLL with ‘smell’ determination that I am, I bumped into it, experienced its truth, completely hyper focused on it for a year and been experimenting with it ever since 2017. I continuiously learn & train in HD and knowing my profile, you might have guessed I tried out many different teachers. My favorite teachers to learn from are Ra Uru Hu, Anna Rothau & Sam Zagar. Source Material only.
As a 3rd line I have yet to find out and show what doesn’t work about it. Human Design is the YANG to my YIN (Astrology), which my left- focused brain loves and so far this system has thrown me a life line through every crisis I had to go through and continues to do so. As a RX of Contagion 3, I am literally here to spread the “mutation”. 2027, here we come.
I also study the “Golden Path” of the Gene Keys with Richard Rudd.