Rest, Release, Remember

Sound Medicine touches you on a cellular level

I bet you have heard it before- we do not only listen with our ears, but with every cell of our body.

It is as true as it is fascinating - in fact, cell membranes have antenna-like structures that receive and respond to vibrational energy fields such as sound and light.

If a vibration in our environment resonates with the receptor's antenna, it can alter the charges of the proteins in that cell, causing it to change shape. So sound is a force that influences our entire being – down to the cellular level.

Sound Medicine meets you where you are at

Maybe you are here because your body & mind are simply yearning for long needed, deep rest.

Through brainwave entrainment and something called sympathetic resonance, sound can help you return to a state of balance.

Sessions are 90 minutes long, including a conversation, fresh herbal tea and time for integration. They take place in my home studio in a beautiful monumental farmhouse in Berlin Pankow.

Sound is a psycho - acoustic gateway to different states of Consciousness

and positively impacts your brain / nervous system.

Maybe you are here because you live with chronic pain and want to help your body & mind build resilience & regulate.

Sound Medicine can put you in a parasympathetic state- the opposite of fight or flight- which is the state in which we improve the immune system, lower cortisol levels, blood pressure, and alleviate stress.

We balance the right & left hemisphere of the brain and in the long run stimulate focus, memory and creativity.

wherever you are at, come as you are

How Sound Work found me

I truly believe sound, or vibrational therapy, completely changed my life for the better. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I wouldn’t have stumbled into my very first Alchemy Sound Bath, on the evening of a cold and rainy Libra New Moon in October 2017. But let’s start at the beginning…

I was a very expressive child. Ballet, Roller Skating, Singing, you name it. And I always wanted to play an instrument, but none that I tried learning stuck with me, I dreamed about creating music, having been fascinated by the power of music from an early age on, and of course I somehow ended up in the industry when I was around 18. I was booking diy shows in a small club in town, when I was invited to join my very first tour.

At that time, I was beginning to be deeply fascinated by non-verbal music, soundscapes, rather than actual music, The way it was so free and didn’t constrict me in what to think and feel in the moment I was taking it in, felt so incredibly…freeing. Soothing. I was still looking for my instrument. It was like I could already hear the sound I wanted to create, somewhere out in the aether, but I simply never found the instrument I could create it with.

Simultaneuosly, I had been in therapeutic treatment on and off since the age of 13 due to a PTSD Diagnosis and the many co-morbidities that it brings with it. Being initiated onto this search for a path of healing so early on, has led me to decades of experience through trial and error in numerous healing modalities. I knew and even wrote in my diary back then, that the pain I was experiencing felt like it was more than only my own, and that I was determined to find what will heal me and then share it with the world.

Little did I know back then, how both my search for this primordial sound I could hear and my search for healing, would lead me to one and the same source.

By the time I was 30, I had an endless list of Diagnosis, symptom descriptions, as I would call them, and was still desperately looking for ways to get better. Years of talking therapy and studying Psychoanalysis had given me an incredibly analytical mind, but nothing in me felt better. Understanding and overanalyzing myself didn’t heal me, I was still dis-regulated, emotionally reactive, a walking trigger, so to speak. Somewhere ca 2016, I was researching a paper written by Physicist Nassim Haramein and to this day I can’t put into words what fired in my subconscious, somehow I put it all together. It’s what I call the ‘remembering’. Something in me knew, I had to seek out vibrational forms of therapy.

So I did exactly that, and after visiting many Sound Journeys and Singing Circles we come back to the beginning of the story, to that October night in 2017, where I visited my first Soundbath held with crystalline healing instruments. There it was- that primordial sound I had been looking for my whole life. (Later I learned the Gongs came even closer to that sound I could hear).

What I felt that night in that Soundbath, I had never experienced in my life before. I still remember the new found feeling of deep tranquility I had, feeling deeply in touch with myself, finally getting a break from the hyper-vigilant state I had been in for many years non stop. I started getting treatments regularly and studying with Ewelina Bubanja at Crystalline Sound Institute at the beginning of 2018 as my first teacher in Sound Medicine. I have dedicated the past 6 years to researching and understanding the immense effects vibrational modalities have had on my healing journey and that of others from a scientific point of view. Naturally, I also dove deeply into studies of the nervous system, the effects of trauma on both the brain and the body and how it is connected to both chronic pain and illness.

I have further certified and trained in Integral Soundwork with my Mentor Jens Zygar, who I continiously learn from to this day.